Below is a slideshow with some specs on the Fourmile Creek Watershed. I chose to use Arcmap, as I'm more familiar with that than I am Google My Maps, plus I like to keep my GIS skills sharp as I use the program at work as well. I'm a firm believer (mainly from experience) in: "If you don't use it, you lose it".
I initially used a webpage through Iowa DNR (Iowa Elevation Tools - LiDAR elevation profile) to determine the stream elevation change. With this webpage, I selected two points (Image 1), headwaters and mouth, approximately and came up with an elevation change of 273.3 (Image 1). I then attempted to download a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster in Arcmap and couldn't figure out how to accurately assess elevation change. After doing some research, I found a study done by an engineering firm on this watershed, listing the elevation change specifically at 310 feet.
Image 1. Point Selection for elevation profile using LiDAR.
Image 2. Elevation Profile using LiDAR.
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